
Component #1

                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Hero -->
                        <div class="text-center mb-5 mb-md-9">
                          <p class="lead">Hi! My name is Brian Kray.</p>
                          <h1 class="display-4 mb-0">I
                            <span class="js-text-animation-example-1"></span>
                        <!-- End Hero -->

                        <!-- Filter -->
                        <div id="filterControlsExample1" class="text-center mb-5 mb-md-7">
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item cbp-filter-item-active btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter="*">All</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".branding">Branding</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".product">Product</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".design">Design</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".illustration">Illustration</a>
                        <!-- End Filter -->

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                               "gapVertical": 40,
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                                 {"width": 1500, "cols": 3},
                                 {"width": 1100, "cols": 3},
                                 {"width": 800, "cols": 3},
                                 {"width": 480, "cols": 2},
                                 {"width": 380, "cols": 1}
                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item product">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img12.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Canva Schedule</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img11.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Electro bike</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img21.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Larq</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item product illustration">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img24.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Zibbet</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item design illustration">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img19.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Illustration</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Adobe Ai</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img20.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Goby</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img22.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">OK</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img23.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Design</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Flaunter</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="overflow-hidden rounded">
                                <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img10.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="p-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Design</span>
                                <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Inside weather</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/css/cubeportfolio.min.css">
                      <!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/js/jquery.cubeportfolio.min.js"></script>
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/typed.js/lib/typed.min.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Blueberry -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/js/hs.cubeportfolio.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of cubeportfolio
                          $('.cbp').each(function () {
                            var cbp = $.HSCore.components.HSCubeportfolio.init($(this), {
                              layoutMode: 'grid',
                              filters: '#filterControlsExample1',
                              displayTypeSpeed: 0

                          // initialization of text animation (typing)
                          var typed = new Typed(".js-text-animation", {
                            strings: ["create a portfolio", "publicize my band", "sell my products", "promote my business", "display my photographs", "promote my business", "publish my videos"],
                            typeSpeed: 100,
                            loop: true,
                            backSpeed: 50,
                            backDelay: 1500

Component #2

                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Hero -->
                        <div class="text-center mb-5 mb-md-9">
                          <p class="lead">Hi! My name is Brian Kray.</p>
                          <h1 class="display-4 mb-0">I
                            <span class="js-text-animation-example-2"></span>
                        <!-- End Hero -->

                        <!-- Filter -->
                        <div id="filterControlsExample2" class="text-center mb-5 mb-md-7">
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item cbp-filter-item-active btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter="*">All</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".branding">Branding</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".product">Product</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".design">Design</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".illustration">Illustration</a>
                        <!-- End Filter -->

                        <!-- Content -->
                        <div class="cbp"
                               "filters": "#filterControlsExample2",
                               "animationType": "quicksand",
                               "gapHorizontal": 40,
                               "gapVertical": 40,
                               "mediaQueries": [
                                 {"width": 1500, "cols": 3},
                                 {"width": 1100, "cols": 3},
                                 {"width": 800, "cols": 3},
                                 {"width": 480, "cols": 2},
                                 {"width": 380, "cols": 1}
                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img12.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Canva Schedule</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/480x320/img5.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Curology</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img21.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Larq</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product illustration">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img24.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Zibbet</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded design illustration">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/480x320/img3.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Illustration</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Adobe Ai</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img20.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Goby</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img19.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">OK</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img23.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Design</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Flaunter</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/480x320/img4.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap bg-white">
                                <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter">
                                  <div class="cbp-l-caption-body">
                                    <span class="d-block small text-body font-weight-bold text-cap">Design</span>
                                    <span class="d-block h3 mb-0">Inside weather</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/css/cubeportfolio.min.css">
                      <!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/js/jquery.cubeportfolio.min.js"></script>
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/typed.js/lib/typed.min.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Blueberry -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/js/hs.cubeportfolio.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of cubeportfolio
                          $('.cbp').each(function () {
                            var cbp = $.HSCore.components.HSCubeportfolio.init($(this), {
                              layoutMode: 'grid',
                              filters: '#filterControlsExample2',
                              displayTypeSpeed: 0

                          // initialization of text animation (typing)
                          var typed = new Typed(".js-text-animation", {
                            strings: ["create a portfolio", "publicize my band", "sell my products", "promote my business", "display my photographs", "promote my business", "publish my videos"],
                            typeSpeed: 100,
                            loop: true,
                            backSpeed: 50,
                            backDelay: 1500

Component #3

                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Hero -->
                        <div class="w-md-80 w-lg-65 mb-5 mb-md-9">
                          <h1 class="mb-4">Hi! My name is Brian Kray. I am a person with big dreams. I produce awesome visuals.</h1>
                          <p>Got a project? <a class="font-weight-bold" href="#">Let's talk <i class="fas fa-angle-right fa-sm ml-1"></i></a></p>
                        <!-- End Hero -->

                        <!-- Filter -->
                        <div id="filterControlsExample3" class="text-md-right mb-5 mb-md-7">
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item cbp-filter-item-active btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter="*">All</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".branding">Branding</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".product">Product</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".design">Design</a>
                          <a class="cbp-filter-item btn btn-xs btn-soft-secondary btn-pill py-2 px-3 m-1" href="javascript:;" data-filter=".illustration">Illustration</a>
                        <!-- End Filter -->

                        <!-- Content -->
                        <div class="cbp"
                               "filters": "#filterControlsExample3",
                               "animationType": "quicksand",
                               "caption": "zoom",
                               "gapHorizontal": 40,
                               "gapVertical": 40,
                               "mediaQueries": [
                                 {"width": 1500, "cols": 4},
                                 {"width": 1100, "cols": 4},
                                 {"width": 800, "cols": 3},
                                 {"width": 480, "cols": 2},
                                 {"width": 380, "cols": 1}
                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/900x900/img7.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Curology</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img12.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Canva Schedule</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img11.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Larq</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product illustration">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img21.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Zibbet</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded design illustration">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img10.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Illustration</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Adobe Ai</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img9.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">OK</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img20.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Branding</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Goby</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/900x900/img6.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Product</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Curology</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img19.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Design</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Flaunter</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->

                          <!-- Item -->
                          <div class="cbp-item rounded product branding">
                            <a class="cbp-caption" href="#">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">
                                <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/400x500/img23.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap">
                                <div class="d-flex justify-content-end flex-column h-100 p-4">
                                  <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap">Design</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h3 text-white mb-0">Inside weather</span>
                          <!-- End Item -->
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/css/cubeportfolio.min.css">
                      <!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/js/jquery.cubeportfolio.min.js"></script>
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/typed.js/lib/typed.min.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Blueberry -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/js/hs.cubeportfolio.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of cubeportfolio
                          $('.cbp').each(function () {
                            var cbp = $.HSCore.components.HSCubeportfolio.init($(this), {
                              layoutMode: 'grid',
                              filters: '#filterControlsExample3',
                              displayTypeSpeed: 0

                          // initialization of text animation (typing)
                          var typed = new Typed(".js-text-animation", {
                            strings: ["create a portfolio", "publicize my band", "sell my products", "promote my business", "display my photographs", "promote my business", "publish my videos"],
                            typeSpeed: 100,
                            loop: true,
                            backSpeed: 50,
                            backDelay: 1500

Component #4

Below is a static sidebar example without hs-sticky-block.js plugin. But the plugin's code included in the code snippets.

Why Dose?

They are 100% natural. Made with cashews or almonds, all our new products contain no additives, no preservatives and, obviously, no lactose nor soy.

They contain 5 X more nuts and 5 X more proteins than the other nutmilks. They taste delicious and have a creamy texture like the ones you are making at home.

Ready for a change? Get yours now!

Image Description
Image Description
                      <!-- Description Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row">
                          <div id="stickyBlockStartPoint" class="col-lg-5 mb-5 mb-lg-0">
                            <!-- Sticky Block -->
                            <div class="js-sticky-block"
                                   "parentSelector": "#stickyBlockStartPoint",
                                   "targetSelector": "#logoAndNav",
                                   "startPoint": "#stickyBlockStartPoint",
                                   "endPoint": "#stickyBlockEndPoint",
                                   "stickyOffsetTop": 32,
                                   "stickyOffsetBottom": 160
                              <h2>Why Dose?</h2>
                              <p>They are 100% natural. Made with cashews or almonds, all our new products contain no additives, no preservatives and, obviously, no lactose nor soy.</p>
                              <p>They contain 5 X more nuts and 5 X more proteins than the other nutmilks. They taste delicious and have a creamy texture like the ones you are making at home.</p>
                              <p>Ready for a change? Get yours now!</p>
                            <!-- End Sticky Block -->

                          <div class="col-lg-7">
                            <div class="mb-3 mb-sm-5">
                              <img class="img-fluid rounded" src="../../../assets/img/700x900/img1.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                            <div class="mb-3 mb-sm-5">
                              <img class="img-fluid rounded" src="../../../assets/img/700x900/img2.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                      <!-- End Description Section -->

                      <!-- Stick Block End Point -->
                      <div id="stickyBlockEndPoint"></div>
                      <!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/hs-sticky-block/dist/hs-sticky-block.min.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of sticky blocks
                          $('.js-sticky-block').each(function () {
                            var stickyBlock = new HSStickyBlock($(this)).init();

Component #5

Below is a static sidebar example without hs-sticky-block.js plugin. But the plugin's code included in the code snippets.

Image Description
Image Description
Image Description
Image Description

Dose juice

Organic cold-pressed juices, smoothies and plant-based lattes delivered to your door. Made with cashews or almonds, all our new products contain no additives, no preservatives and, obviously, no lactose nor soy.

They contain 5 X more nuts and 5 X more proteins than the other nutmilks. They taste delicious and have a creamy texture like the ones you are making at home.

  • Client

  • Designers

    Christina Kray, Jeff Fisher
  • Partners

  • Awards
    FWA Site of the Day Awwwards Site of the Day CSSAwards Site of the Day Bronze ADCN Lamp (Digital Craft)

                      <!-- Description Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-lg-7 mb-7 mb-lg-0">
                            <!-- Cubeportfolio -->
                            <div class="cbp"
                                   "mediaQueries": [
                                     {"width": 300, "cols": 1}
                              <!-- Item -->
                              <div class="cbp-item">
                                <div class="cbp-caption">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/900x900/img11.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End Item -->

                              <!-- Item -->
                              <div class="cbp-item">
                                <div class="cbp-caption">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/900x900/img15.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End Item -->

                              <!-- Item -->
                              <div class="cbp-item">
                                <div class="cbp-caption">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/900x900/img17.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End Item -->

                              <!-- Item -->
                              <div class="cbp-item">
                                <div class="cbp-caption">
                                  <img class="rounded" src="../../../assets/img/900x900/img13.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End Item -->
                            <!-- End Cubeportfolio -->

                          <div id="stickyBlockStartPoint" class="col-lg-5">
                            <!-- Sticky Block -->
                            <div class="js-sticky-block pl-lg-4"
                                   "parentSelector": "#stickyBlockStartPoint",
                                   "targetSelector": "#logoAndNav",
                                   "startPoint": "#stickyBlockStartPoint",
                                   "endPoint": "#stickyBlockEndPoint",
                                   "stickyOffsetTop": 24,
                                   "stickyOffsetBottom": 130
                              <div class="mb-6">
                                <h1 class="h2">Dose juice</h1>
                                <p>Organic cold-pressed juices, smoothies and plant-based lattes delivered to your door. Made with cashews or almonds, all our new products contain no additives, no preservatives and, obviously, no lactose nor soy.</p>
                                <p>They contain 5 X more nuts and 5 X more proteins than the other nutmilks. They taste delicious and have a creamy texture like the ones you are making at home.</p>

                              <hr class="my-5">

                              <!-- List -->
                              <ul class="list-unstyled mb-0">
                                <li class="media mb-1">
                                  <div class="d-flex w-40 w-sm-30">
                                    <h2 class="h5">Client</h2>
                                  <div class="media-body">
                                    <small class="text-muted">

                                <li class="media mb-1">
                                  <div class="d-flex w-40 w-sm-30">
                                    <h3 class="h5">Designers</h3>
                                  <div class="media-body">
                                    <small class="text-muted">
                                      Christina Kray,
                                    <small class="text-muted">
                                      Jeff Fisher

                                <li class="media mb-1">
                                  <div class="d-flex w-40 w-sm-30">
                                    <h4 class="h5">Partners</h4>
                                  <div class="media-body">
                                    <small class="text-muted">

                                <li class="media">
                                  <div class="d-flex w-40 w-sm-30">
                                  <div class="media-body">
                                    <small class="d-block text-muted mb-1">
                                      FWA Site of the Day
                                    <small class="d-block text-muted mb-1">
                                      Awwwards Site of the Day
                                    <small class="d-block text-muted mb-1">
                                      CSSAwards Site of the Day
                                    <small class="d-block text-muted">
                                      Bronze ADCN Lamp (Digital Craft)
                              <!-- End List -->

                              <hr class="my-5">

                              <div class="media">
                                <div class="d-flex w-40 w-sm-30">

                                <div class="media-body">
                                  <!-- Social Networks -->
                                  <ul class="list-inline mb-0">
                                    <li class="list-inline-item">
                                      <a class="btn btn-xs btn-icon btn-soft-secondary" href="#">
                                        <i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>
                                    <li class="list-inline-item">
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                                        <i class="fab fa-google"></i>
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                                        <i class="fab fa-twitter"></i>
                                    <li class="list-inline-item">
                                      <a class="btn btn-xs btn-icon btn-soft-secondary" href="#">
                                        <i class="fab fa-github"></i>
                                  <!-- End Social Networks -->
                            <!-- End Sticky Block -->
                      <!-- End Description Section -->

                      <!-- Sticky Block End Point -->
                      <div id="stickyBlockEndPoint"></div>
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/css/cubeportfolio.min.css">
                      <!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/cubeportfolio/js/jquery.cubeportfolio.min.js"></script>
                      <script src="../../../assets/vendor/hs-sticky-block/dist/hs-sticky-block.min.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Blueberry -->
                      <script src="../../../assets/js/hs.cubeportfolio.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of cubeportfolio
                          $('.cbp').each(function () {
                            var cbp = $.HSCore.components.HSCubeportfolio.init($(this));

                          // initialization of sticky blocks
                          $('.js-sticky-block').each(function () {
                            var stickyBlock = new HSStickyBlock($(this)).init();

Component #6

                      <!-- Works Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="w-lg-60 mb-5 mb-sm-11">
                          <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Featured case studies</span>
                          <h2 class="text-lh-lg">We help businesses bring ideas to life in the digital world, by designing and implementing the technology tools that they need to win.</h2>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <div class="card-md-columns card-md-2-count card-md-2-gap card-lg-5-gap pt-md-11">
                          <!-- Card -->
                          <a class="card shadow-none bg-soft-primary text-indigo transition-3d-hover p-4 p-lg-7 mt-md-n11 mb-3 mb-sm-5 mb-lg-11" href="#">
                            <img class="img-fluid mb-7" src="../../assets/img/755x470/img1.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                            <div class="media align-items-center max-w-35rem mb-3">
                              <div class="mr-3">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/sketch.svg" alt="Sketch" width="32">
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <small class="d-block mb-0">Compatible with Sketch</small>
                            <h3 class="d-flex justify-content-between">
                              Blueberry: A digital UI Kit
                              <span class="d-block">
                                <span class="badge badge-success badge-pill ml-3">UI Kit</span>
                            <p class="text-dark">Super clean, minimalistic, stylized mockup collection with awesome customization features and huge resolution.</p>
                          <!-- End Card -->

                          <!-- Card -->
                          <a class="card shadow-none bg-soft-info text-indigo transition-3d-hover p-4 p-lg-7 mb-3 mb-sm-5 mb-lg-11" href="#">
                            <img class="img-fluid mb-7" src="../../assets/img/mockups/img13.png" alt="Image Description">
                            <h3 class="mb-1">Building brand through design</h3>
                            <small class="d-block mb-3">Graphic design and illustration</small>
                            <p class="text-dark">High-detailed business scenes for landing pages' headers and mobile screens.</p>
                          <!-- End Card -->

                          <!-- Card -->
                          <a class="card shadow-none bg-soft-danger text-indigo transition-3d-hover p-4 p-lg-7 mb-3 mb-sm-5 mb-lg-11" href="#">
                            <img class="img-fluid mb-7" src="../../assets/img/mockups/img12.png" alt="Image Description">
                            <h3 class="mb-1">Pixeel Group</h3>
                            <small class="d-block mb-3">Graphic design and illustration</small>
                            <p class="text-dark">We work with the largest companies all over the world.</p>
                          <!-- End Card -->

                          <!-- Card -->
                          <a class="card shadow-none bg-soft-indigo text-indigo transition-3d-hover p-4 p-lg-7 mb-3 mb-sm-5 mb-lg-11" href="#">
                            <img class="img-fluid mb-7" src="../../assets/img/mockups/img11.png" alt="Image Description">
                            <div class="media align-items-center max-w-35rem mb-3">
                              <div class="mr-3">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/sketch.svg" alt="Sketch" width="32">
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <small class="d-block mb-0">Compatible with Sketch</small>
                            <h3 class="d-flex justify-content-between">
                              Atlas: A travel app UI kit from Blueberry
                              <span class="d-block">
                                <span class="badge badge-success badge-pill ml-3">UI kit</span>
                            <p class="text-dark">This UI kit has all you need to manage your hypothetical customer's smart devices like thermostats, lights, and other appliances that make for a connected modern home.</p>
                          <!-- End Card -->

                        <div class="text-center mt-7 mt-lg-0">
                          <a class="btn btn-primary btn-wide transition-3d-hover px-sm-5" href="#">View All Works</a>
                      <!-- End Works Section -->

Component #7

                      <!-- Portfolio Section -->
                      <div class="container">
                        <!-- Card -->
                        <a class="card shadow-none bg-soft-success text-inherit transition-3d-hover p-4 p-md-7" href="#">
                          <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-lg-4 order-lg-2 mb-5 mb-lg-0">
                              <div class="d-flex flex-column h-100">
                                <div class="mb-7">
                                  <h2 class="h1">Hubble</h2>
                                  <p class="text-body">The more affordable daily contact lens. Modify or cancel anytime.</p>

                                <!-- Testimonials -->
                                <div class="card shadow-none p-4 mt-auto">
                                  <div class="mb-3">
                                    <img class="clients mr-auto" src="../../assets/svg/clients-logo/fitbit-original.svg" alt="SVG Logo">

                                  <div class="mb-3">
                                    <blockquote class="text-dark">"The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It's beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!"</blockquote>

                                  <div class="media">
                                    <div class="avatar avatar-circle mr-3">
                                      <img class="avatar-img" src="../../assets/img/100x100/img3.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                                    <div class="media-body">
                                      <span class="d-block h5 mb-0">Max</span>
                                      <small class="d-block text-muted">Fitbit Agency Partner</small>
                                <!-- End Testimonials -->

                            <div class="col-lg-8 order-lg-1">
                              <!-- Info -->
                              <div class="mb-5">
                                <img class="img-fluid rounded" src="../../assets/img/900x450/img15.jpg" alt="Image Description">

                              <div class="row">
                                <div class="col-sm-6 mb-3 mb-sm-0">
                                  <h4>Support and win</h4>
                                  <p class="text-body">When we empower others to succeed, we all win. (And we're not talking about participation trophies.)</p>

                                <div class="col-sm-6">
                                  <h4>Open communication</h4>
                                  <p class="text-body">We're big fans of transparency for many reasons, but the abridged version is: it makes easier.</p>
                              <!-- End Info -->
                        <!-- End Card -->
                      <!-- End Portfolio Section -->

Component #8

What's included

3 Color skins included

Easily construct new pages using any of 12 pre-made grids and a huge amount of components and elements.

                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="w-lg-50 text-center mx-lg-auto mb-7">
                          <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">What's included</span>
                          <h2>3 Color skins included</h2>
                          <p>Easily construct new pages using any of 12 pre-made grids and a huge amount of components and elements.</p>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <div class="js-slick-carousel slick slick-equal-height slick-gutters-3 mb-7"
                               "slidesToShow": 3,
                               "dots": true,
                               "dotsClass": "slick-pagination d-lg-none mt-5",
                               "responsive": [{
                                 "breakpoint": 992,
                                 "settings": {
                                   "slidesToShow": 2
                                 }, {
                                 "breakpoint": 768,
                                 "settings": {
                                   "slidesToShow": 2
                                 }, {
                                 "breakpoint": 554,
                                 "settings": {
                                   "slidesToShow": 1
                          <div class="js-slide">
                            <!-- Card -->
                            <div class="w-100 bg-soft-primary text-center rounded p-5">
                              <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/img/mockups/img7.png" alt="Image Description">
                              <h3 class="text-primary">Standard</h3>
                              <p class="font-size-1">Available in:</p>
                              <div class="mb-4">
                                <img class="d-inline-block mr-2" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/sketch.svg" alt="Sketch" width="25">
                                <img class="d-inline-block" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/adobe-xd.svg" alt="Adobe Xd" width="25">
                              <a class="btn btn-sm btn-block btn-primary transition-3d-hover" href="#">Preview <i class="fas fa-eye ml-1"></i></a>
                            <!-- End Card -->

                          <div class="js-slide">
                            <!-- Card -->
                            <div class="w-100 bg-soft-info text-center rounded p-5">
                              <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/img/mockups/img8.png" alt="Image Description">
                              <p class="font-size-1">Available in:</p>
                              <div class="mb-4">
                                <img class="d-inline-block" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/sketch.svg" alt="Sketch" width="25">
                              <a class="btn btn-sm btn-block bg-white transition-3d-hover disabled" href="#">Coming soon ...</a>
                            <!-- End Card -->

                          <div class="js-slide">
                            <!-- Card -->
                            <div class="w-100 bg-soft-danger text-center rounded p-5">
                              <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/img/mockups/img9.png" alt="Image Description">
                              <p class="font-size-1">Available in:</p>
                              <div class="mb-4">
                                <img class="d-inline-block mr-2" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/sketch.svg" alt="Sketch" width="25">
                                <img class="d-inline-block" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/adobe-xd.svg" alt="Adobe Xd" width="25">
                              <a class="btn btn-sm btn-block bg-white transition-3d-hover disabled" href="#">Coming soon ...</a>
                            <!-- End Card -->

                        <!-- Fancybox -->
                        <div class="text-center">
                          <a class="js-fancybox d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center" href="javascript:;"
                               "src": "//youtube.com/0qisGSwZym4",
                               "caption": "Blueberry - Responsive Website Template",
                               "speed": 700,
                               "buttons": ["fullScreen", "close"],
                               "youtube": {
                                 "autoplay": 1
                            <i class="fas fa-play-circle font-size-2 font-weight-bold align-middle"></i>
                            <span class="ml-1">
                              Watch and learn how it works
                        <!-- End Fancybox -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/vendor/fancybox/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.css">
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/vendor/slick-carousel/slick/slick.css">
                      <!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
                      <script src="../../assets/vendor/fancybox/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.js"></script>
                      <script src="../../assets/vendor/slick-carousel/slick/slick.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Blueberry -->
                      <script src="../../assets/js/hs.fancybox.js"></script>
                      <script src="../../assets/js/hs.slick-carousel.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of fancybox
                          $('.js-fancybox').each(function () {
                            var fancybox = $.HSCore.components.HSFancyBox.init($(this));

                          // initialization of slick carousel
                          $('.js-slick-carousel').each(function() {
                            var slickCarousel = $.HSCore.components.HSSlickCarousel.init($(this));

Component #9

                      <!-- Related Topics Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto mb-5 mb-md-9">
                          <h2>Related works</h2>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-md-6 mb-3 mb-md-0">
                            <!-- Card -->
                            <a class="card bg-soft-danger shadow-none min-h-380rem h-100 transition-3d-hover p-5" href="#">
                              <div class="mb-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-danger font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Case study</span>
                              <div class="mb-5">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/img/mockups/img6.png" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="mt-auto">
                                <h3 class="h2">iPad Pro 2018 Mockups</h3>
                                <span class="text-danger">View Work <i class="fas fa-angle-right fa-sm ml-1"></i></span>
                            <!-- End Card -->

                          <div class="col-md-6">
                            <!-- Card -->
                            <a class="card bg-img-hero shadow-none min-h-380rem h-100 transition-3d-hover p-5" href="#" style="background-image: url(../../assets/img/900x900/img9.jpg);">
                              <div class="mb-4">
                                <span class="d-block small text-white-70 font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Case study</span>
                              <div class="mt-auto">
                                <h3 class="h2 text-white">Expand your mind</h3>
                                <span class="text-white-70">View Work <i class="fas fa-angle-right fa-sm ml-1"></i></span>
                            <!-- End Card -->
                      <!-- End Related Topics Section -->

Component #10

                      <!-- Related Projects -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="row justify-content-md-between align-items-md-center mb-7">
                          <div class="col-lg-5">
                            <h2>Browse more projects</h2>

                          <div class="col-lg-6 text-lg-right mt-lg-auto">
                            <a class="font-weight-bold" href="#">
                              See all projects
                              <i class="fas fa-angle-right fa-sm ml-1"></i>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-md-6 mb-3 mb-md-5 mb-lg-0">
                            <!-- Project -->
                            <a class="card text-body transition-3d-hover" href="#">
                              <img class="card-img-top" src="../../assets/img/600x400/img3.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="card-body text-center">
                                <h3 class="text-dark">Vanilla</h3>
                                <p class="mb-0">Development, Marketing</p>
                            <!-- End Project -->

                          <div class="col-md-6">
                            <!-- Project -->
                            <a class="card text-body transition-3d-hover" href="#">
                              <img class="card-img-top" src="../../assets/img/600x400/img2.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <div class="card-body text-center">
                                <h3 class="text-dark">Hubble</h3>
                                <p class="mb-0">Development, Product</p>
                            <!-- End Project -->
                      <!-- End Related Projects -->

Developed by Nasim Mahmud's team | Blueberry Framework · Powered by Nimusoft

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