
Component #1

Whatever work you do, use our design

After brainstorming about insights, get the power to create something real. Bring your ideas to life and share your vision with concrete elements. Make collaboration and communication easier with your team or your client.

Use our tools to explore your ideas and make your vision come true. Then share your work easily.

                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row justify-content-lg-between align-items-lg-center">
                          <div class="col-lg-5 mb-9 mb-lg-0">
                            <div class="mb-3">
                              <h2 class="h1">Whatever work you do, use our design</h2>

                            <p>After brainstorming about insights, get the power to create something real. Bring your ideas to life and share your vision with concrete elements. Make collaboration and communication easier with your team or your client.</p>

                            <p>Use our tools to explore your ideas and make your vision come true. Then share your work easily.</p>

                            <div class="mt-4">
                              <a class="btn btn-primary btn-wide transition-3d-hover" href="#">Start Now</a>

                          <div class="col-lg-6 col-xl-5">
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                            <div class="position-relative min-h-500rem mx-auto" style="max-width: 28rem;">
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                                <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 770.4 770.4" width="280" height="280">
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                            <!-- End SVG Element -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

Component #2

Build tools and full documention

Components, plugins, and build tools are all thoroughly documented with live examples and markup for easier use and customization.

> $ npm install Everything installed!
> $ gulp scss watching LiveReload started Opening localhost:3000
> $ that's it?! Yup, that's it.

Not comfortable diving that deep? No worries, you just use the compiled CSS and examples pages! Learn more

                      <!-- Tools Section -->
                      <div class="position-relative gradient-y-gray">
                        <div class="container space-2 space-bottom-sm-3">
                          <!-- Title -->
                          <div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto mb-5 mb-md-9">
                            <h2>Build tools and full documention</h2>
                            <p>Components, plugins, and build tools are all thoroughly documented with live examples and markup for easier use and customization.</p>
                          <!-- End Title -->

                          <div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 mx-md-auto mb-5 mb-md-9">
                            <!-- Code Sample -->
                            <div class="card bg-navy mb-5">
                              <div class="card-body text-monospace font-size-1 p-6">
                                <div class="mb-6">
                                  <span class="d-block text-white-70">> $ npm install</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h4 text-success font-weight-normal">Everything installed!</span>
                                <div class="mb-6">
                                  <span class="d-block text-white-70">> $ gulp</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h4 text-success font-weight-normal">scss watching</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h4 text-success font-weight-normal">LiveReload started</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h4 text-success font-weight-normal">Opening localhost:3000</span>
                                <div class="mb-0">
                                  <span class="d-block text-white-70">> $ that's it?!</span>
                                  <span class="d-block h4 text-success font-weight-normal">Yup, that's it.</span>
                            <!-- End Code Sample -->

                            <!-- Info -->
                            <div class="text-center mb-7">
                              <p>Not comfortable diving that deep? No worries, you just use the compiled CSS and examples pages! <a class="font-weight-bold" href="#">Learn more <span class="fas fa-angle-right ml-1"></span></a></p>
                            <!-- End Info -->

                            <!-- Clients -->
                            <div class="row justify-content-center">
                              <div class="col-4 col-sm-3 my-2">
                                <!-- Logo -->
                                  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 226.3 88">
                                    <path fill="#bdc5d1" d="M70.1,76.7c0,6.3,5.1,11.4,11.4,11.4H147c6.3,0,11.4-5.1,11.4-11.4V11.2c0-6.3-5.1-11.4-11.4-11.4H81.4
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                                <!-- End Logo -->

                              <div class="col-4 col-sm-3 my-2">
                                <!-- Logo -->
                                  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 226.3 88">
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                                <!-- End Logo -->

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                                <!-- Logo -->
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                                <!-- End Logo -->

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                                <!-- Logo -->
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                                <!-- End Logo -->
                            <!-- End Clients -->

                          <div class="text-center">
                            <a class="btn btn-primary transition-3d-hover px-lg-7" href="https://themes.getbootstrap.com/product/Blueberry-multipurpose-responsive-template/" target="_blank">Get a License for $59</a>

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                            <path fill="#fff" d="M0,0c0,0,934.4,93.4,1920,0v100.1H0L0,0z"/>
                        <!-- End SVG Bottom Shape -->
                      <!-- End Tools Section -->

Component #3

How we work

Bring your ideas to life and share your vision with concrete elements

Easy & fast designing
Powerful features
Advanced HTML/CSS editing
React-Native Development
User Experience Design
all our services

We tackle the challenges start-ups face

Besides working with start-up enterprises as a partner for digitalization, we have built enterprise products for common pain points that we have encountered in various products and projects.

Image Description
                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="overflow-hidden">
                        <div class="container space-2 space-lg-3">
                          <!-- Title -->
                          <div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto mb-5 mb-md-9">
                            <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">How we work</span>
                            <h2>Bring your ideas to life and share your vision with concrete elements</h2>
                          <!-- End Title -->

                          <div class="w-md-80 mx-md-auto">
                            <div class="row justify-content-lg-center align-items-md-center">
                              <div class="col-md-5 mb-7 mb-md-0">
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                                <div class="media mb-4">
                                  <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-primary icon-circle mr-3">
                                    <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                                  <div class="media-body text-dark">
                                    Easy & fast designing
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                                  <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-primary icon-circle mr-3">
                                    <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                                  <div class="media-body text-dark">
                                    Powerful features
                                <div class="media mb-4">
                                  <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-primary icon-circle mr-3">
                                    <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                                  <div class="media-body text-dark">
                                    Advanced HTML/CSS editing
                                <div class="media mb-4">
                                  <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-primary icon-circle mr-3">
                                    <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                                  <div class="media-body text-dark">
                                    React-Native Development
                                <div class="media mb-4">
                                  <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-primary icon-circle mr-3">
                                    <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                                  <div class="media-body text-dark">
                                    User Experience Design
                                <a class="media" href="#">
                                  <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-primary icon-circle mr-3">
                                    <i class="fas fa-ellipsis-h"></i>
                                  <div class="media-body">
                                    all our services
                                <!-- End Features -->

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                                  <!-- Card -->
                                  <div class="card">
                                    <div class="card-body">
                                      <figure class="w-100 max-w-6rem mb-4">
                                        <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-2.svg" alt="SVG">
                                      <h3>We tackle the challenges start-ups face</h3>
                                      <p>Besides working with start-up enterprises as a partner for digitalization, we have built enterprise products for common pain points that we have encountered in various products and projects.</p>
                                  <!-- End Card -->

                                  <!-- SVG Elements -->
                                  <figure class="max-w-19rem w-100 position-absolute bottom-0 right-0 z-index-n1">
                                    <div class="mb-n7 mr-n7">
                                      <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/components/dots-2.svg" alt="Image Description">
                                  <!-- End SVG Elements -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

Component #4


Logo Logo Logo

Blueberry is a place where conversations happen, decisions are made, and information is always at your fingertips.

Style your workflow how you want to fit your brand

Blueberry is a collaboration hub for work, no matter what work you do. It's a place where conversations happen, decisions are made, and information is always at your fingertips. With Blueberry, your team is better connected.

                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-lg-4 mb-7 mb-lg-0">
                            <div class="mb-4">
                              <h2 class="h1">All-in-one</h2>

                              <img class="img-fluid mr-3" src="../../assets/svg/clients-logo/slack-logo-original.svg" alt="Logo" width="24" height="24">
                              <img class="img-fluid mr-3" src="../../assets/svg/clients-logo/jira-logo-original.svg" alt="Logo" width="24" height="24">
                              <img class="img-fluid mr-3" src="../../assets/svg/clients-logo/gitlab-logo-original.svg" alt="Logo" width="24" height="24">

                            <p>Blueberry is a place where conversations happen, decisions are made, and information is always at your fingertips.</p>

                        <div class="mt-lg-n11 mb-7 mb-lg-0">
                          <!-- SVG Illustration -->
                          <figure class="ie-device-and-mobile">
                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 2058.5 1182.2" xml:space="preserve">
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                          <!-- End SVG Illustration -->

                        <div class="row justify-content-lg-end">
                          <div class="col-lg-7 mt-lg-n11">
                            <h2 class="h1 mb-4">Style your workflow how you want to fit your brand</h2>
                            <p>Blueberry is a collaboration hub for work, no matter what work you do. It's a place where conversations happen, decisions are made, and information is always at your fingertips. With Blueberry, your team is better connected.</p>
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

Component #5

Payment made easy in stores with speed and security using.

When paying in stores, Blueberry Pay doesn't share your actual card number, so your information stays secure. Plus, you can check out faster and easier.

See how to send money with Blueberry Pay.

Image Description Image Description
Image Description
                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row justify-content-lg-between align-items-lg-center">
                          <div class="col-lg-5 mb-9 mb-lg-0">
                            <div class="mb-5">
                              <h2>Payment made easy in stores with speed and security using.</h2>
                              <p>When paying in stores, Blueberry Pay doesn't share your actual card number, so your information stays secure. Plus, you can check out faster and easier.</p>

                            <div class="w-md-50 w-lg-80 mb-2">
                              <!-- Fancybox -->
                              <div class="bg-img-hero text-center rounded py-11 px-5" style="background-image: url(../../assets/img/480x320/img18.jpg);">
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                                     "buttons": ["fullScreen", "close"],
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                                       "autoplay": 1
                                  <span class="video-player-icon">
                                    <i class="fas fa-play"></i>
                              <!-- End Fancybox -->

                            <p class="small">See how to send money with Blueberry Pay.</p>

                          <div class="col-lg-6">
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                                <img class="device-iphone-x-screen" src="../../assets/img/407x867/img8.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End Device Mockup -->

                              <!-- SVG Component -->
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                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/components/abstract-shapes-2.svg" alt="Image Description">
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                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of fancybox
                          $('.js-fancybox').each(function () {
                            var fancybox = $.HSCore.components.HSFancyBox.init($(this));

Component #6

The easiest way to pay within apps.

Use Blueberry Pay to make purchases in all kinds of apps. Pay for a ride, a pizza delivery, or a new pair of sneakers — with just a touch. Checking out is fast, simple, and secure.

Get our mobile app

Image Description Image Description
Image Description
                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row justify-content-lg-between align-items-lg-center">
                          <div class="col-lg-5 order-lg-2 mb-9 mb-lg-0">
                            <div class="mb-5">
                              <h2>The easiest way to pay within apps.</h2>
                              <p>Use Blueberry Pay to make purchases in all kinds of apps. Pay for a ride, a pizza delivery, or a new pair of sneakers — with just a touch. Checking out is fast, simple, and secure.</p>

                            <h4 class="mb-3">Get our mobile app</h4>
                            <a class="btn btn-icon btn-indigo rounded-circle mr-2" href="#">
                              <i class="fab fa-apple"></i>
                            <a class="btn btn-icon btn-indigo rounded-circle" href="#">
                              <i class="fab fa-google-play"></i>

                          <div class="col-lg-6 order-lg-1">
                            <div class="position-relative max-w-50rem mx-auto">
                              <!-- Device Mockup -->
                              <div class="device device-iphone-x w-75 mx-auto">
                                <img class="device-iphone-x-frame" src="../../assets/svg/components/iphone-x.svg" alt="Image Description">
                                <img class="device-iphone-x-screen" src="../../assets/img/407x867/img9.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End Device Mockup -->

                              <!-- SVG Component -->
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                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/components/abstract-shapes-3.svg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End SVG Component -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

Component #7

Get paid and use the cash. All with Blueberry Pay.

When you receive money it's added to your Blueberry Pay Cash card that lives in the Wallet app.

When you pay with a debit or credit card, Blueberry Pay doesn't keep transaction information that can be tied back to you.

When you use Blueberry Pay Cash, information is stored only for troubleshooting.

You can also add your student ID card to Blueberry Wallet to access places like your dorm and the library.

Image Description Image Description
Image Description
                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row justify-content-lg-between align-items-lg-center">
                          <div class="col-lg-5 mb-9 mb-lg-0">
                            <div class="mb-4">
                              <h2>Get paid and use the cash. All with Blueberry Pay.</h2>
                              <p>When you receive money it's added to your Blueberry Pay Cash card that lives in the Wallet app.</p>

                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-indigo icon-circle mt-1 mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check fa-xs"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p>When you pay with a debit or credit card, Blueberry Pay doesn't keep transaction information that can be tied back to you.</p>
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-indigo icon-circle mt-1 mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check fa-xs"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p>When you use Blueberry Pay Cash, information is stored only for troubleshooting.</p>
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-indigo icon-circle mt-1 mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check fa-xs"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p>You can also add your student ID card to Blueberry Wallet to access places like your dorm and the library.</p>

                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <div class="position-relative max-w-50rem mx-auto">
                              <!-- Device Mockup -->
                              <div class="device device-iphone-x w-75 mx-auto">
                                <img class="device-iphone-x-frame" src="../../assets/svg/components/iphone-x.svg" alt="Image Description">
                                <img class="device-iphone-x-screen" src="../../assets/img/407x867/img1.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End Device Mockup -->

                              <!-- SVG Component -->
                              <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 right-0 max-w-50rem w-100 z-index-n1 mx-auto">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/components/abstract-shapes-4.svg" alt="Image Description">
                              <!-- End SVG Component -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

Component #8

Simple and affordable.
Pay as you go.

From boarding passes to movie tickets, there's pretty much nothing you can't store with Blueberry Pay. Plus, you can take your money further with exclusive offers, discounts, and even reminders to use your loyalty card when you enter the store.


Create an account


Link your bank account


Your account is validated

Image Description
                      <!-- How To Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="w-lg-50 text-center mx-lg-auto mb-5">
                          <h2>Simple and affordable.<br>Pay as you go.</h2>
                          <p>From boarding passes to movie tickets, there's pretty much nothing you can't store with Blueberry Pay. Plus, you can take your money further with exclusive offers, discounts, and even reminders to use your loyalty card when you enter the store.</p>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <!-- Fancybox -->
                        <div class="text-center mx-auto mb-11">
                          <a class="js-fancybox" href="javascript:;"
                               "src": "//youtube.com/j8uxIKcxArA",
                               "caption": "Blueberry - Responsive Website Template",
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                               "youtube": {
                                 "autoplay": 1
                            <i class="fas fa-play-circle align-middle text-primary font-size-3 mr-2"></i>
                            See how your info is protected
                        <!-- End Fancybox -->

                        <!-- Icon Blocks Section -->
                        <div class="row justify-content-md-center mb-11">
                          <div class="col-md-4 col-lg-3 mb-9 mb-lg-0">
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                              <figure class="max-w-10rem mx-auto mb-3">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-48.svg" alt="SVG">
                              <h4>Create an account</h4>
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                          <div class="col-md-4 col-lg-3 mb-9 mb-lg-0">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="step-dots text-center px-lg-4">
                              <figure class="max-w-10rem mx-auto mb-3">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-39.svg" alt="SVG">
                              <h4>Link your bank account</h4>
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                          <div class="col-md-4 col-lg-3">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="text-center px-lg-4">
                              <figure class="max-w-10rem mx-auto mb-3">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-20.svg" alt="SVG">
                              <h4>Your account is validated</h4>
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->
                        <!-- End Icon Blocks Section -->

                        <div class="max-w-50rem mx-auto">
                          <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/illustrations/visa-card.svg" alt="Image Description">
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                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/vendor/fancybox/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.css">
                      <!-- JS Implementing Plugins -->
                      <script src="../../assets/vendor/fancybox/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Blueberry -->
                      <script src="../../assets/js/hs.fancybox.js"></script>

                      <!-- JS Plugins Init. -->
                        $(document).on('ready', function () {
                          // initialization of fancybox
                          $('.js-fancybox').each(function () {
                            var fancybox = $.HSCore.components.HSFancyBox.init($(this));

Component #9

What we do?

A flexible theme for modern SaaS businesses


Industry-leading designs

Achieve virtually any design and layout from within the one template.


Learn from the docs

Whether you're a startup or a global enterprise, learn how to integrate with Blueberry.


Accelerate your business

We help power millions of businesses to built and run smoothly.

SVG Arrow

It is fast and easy. Create your first and ongoing website with Blueberry.

Image Description Image Description

We are launching soon. Join the priority list for information and early access.

                      <!-- Icon Blocks Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="w-lg-65 text-center mx-auto mb-5 mb-sm-9">
                          <h2 class="h1">What we do?</h2>
                          <p>A flexible theme for modern SaaS businesses</p>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-md-4 mb-7">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="text-center px-lg-3">
                              <figure class="max-w-8rem mx-auto mb-4">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-45.svg" alt="SVG">
                              <h3>Industry-leading designs</h3>
                              <p>Achieve virtually any design and layout from within the one template.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                          <div class="col-md-4 mb-7">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="text-center px-lg-3">
                              <figure class="max-w-8rem mx-auto mb-4">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-14.svg" alt="SVG">
                              <h3>Learn from the docs</h3>
                              <p>Whether you're a startup or a global enterprise, learn how to integrate with Blueberry.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                          <div class="col-md-4 mb-7">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="text-center px-lg-3">
                              <figure class="max-w-8rem mx-auto mb-4">
                                <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/icons/icon-23.svg" alt="SVG">
                              <h3>Accelerate your business</h3>
                              <p>We help power millions of businesses to built and run smoothly.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                        <img class="img-fluid d-none d-md-block w-75 mx-auto mb-7" src="../../assets/svg/components/three-pointers.svg" alt="SVG Arrow">

                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="w-md-60 w-lg-50 text-center mx-auto mb-7">
                          <p class="text-dark"><span class="font-weight-bold">It is fast and easy.</span> Create your first and ongoing website with Blueberry.</p>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <!-- Browser Mockup -->
                        <div class="position-relative w-lg-75 mx-lg-auto mb-4">
                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1109.8 797.1">
                              <path fill="#f9fbff" d="M105.1,267.1C35.5,331.5-3.5,423,0.3,517.7C6.1,663,111,831.9,588.3,790.8c753-64.7,481.3-358.3,440.4-398.3c-4-3.9-7.9-7.9-11.7-12L761.9,104.8C639.4-27.6,432.5-35.6,299.9,87L105.1,267.1z"/>

                          <div class="device device-browser">
                            <img class="img-fluid" src="../../assets/svg/components/browser.svg" alt="Image Description">
                            <img class="device-browser-screen" src="../../assets/img/855x665/img1.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                        <!-- End Browser Mockup -->

                        <div class="w-50 w-md-40 w-lg-30 text-center mx-auto">
                          <p class="small">We are launching soon. Join the priority list for information and early access.</p>
                      <!-- End Icon Blocks Section -->

Component #10

Company values

The Blueberry culture

Hit heavy, stay small

Tight-knit, dynamic teams work with more agility, communication, and freedom than large-scale companies.

Ambition by the boatload

We love people who aim for greatness. They inspire and excite their teammates, raising the bar for all of us.

Open communication

We're big fans of transparency for many reasons, but the abridged version is: it makes easier.

Autonomy and attitude

We're a team of self-starters who take serious pride in our work – and it shows.

Support and win

When we empower others to succeed, we all win. (And we're not talking about participation trophies.)

Teamwork makes the dream work

We work together to bring our passions and expertise to make Teachable the best it can be.

                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <div class="w-md-80 w-lg-50 text-center mx-md-auto mb-5 mb-md-9">
                          <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Company values</span>
                          <h2>The Blueberry culture</h2>
                        <!-- End Title -->

                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 mb-3 mb-sm-7">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="mr-3">—</span>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <h2 class="h4">Hit heavy, stay small</h2>
                                <p>Tight-knit, dynamic teams work with more agility, communication, and freedom than large-scale companies.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                          <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 mb-3 mb-sm-7">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="mr-3">—</span>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <h3 class="h4">Ambition by the boatload</h3>
                                <p>We love people who aim for greatness. They inspire and excite their teammates, raising the bar for all of us.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                          <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 mb-3 mb-sm-7">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="mr-3">—</span>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <h4>Open communication</h4>
                                <p>We're big fans of transparency for many reasons, but the abridged version is: it makes easier.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                          <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 mb-3 mb-sm-0">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="mr-3">—</span>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <h4>Autonomy and attitude</h4>
                                <p>We're a team of self-starters who take serious pride in our work – and it shows.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                          <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 mb-3 mb-sm-0">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="mr-3">—</span>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <h4>Support and win</h4>
                                <p>When we empower others to succeed, we all win. (And we're not talking about participation trophies.)</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->

                          <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
                            <!-- Icon Blocks -->
                            <div class="media">
                              <span class="mr-3">—</span>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <h4>Teamwork makes the dream work</h4>
                                <p>We work together to bring our passions and expertise to make Teachable the best it can be.</p>
                            <!-- End Icon Blocks -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

Component #11

Learn to use Python professionally, learning both Python 2 and Python 3!
Create games with Python, like Tic Tac Toe and Blackjack!
Learn advanced Python features, like the collections module and how to work with timestamps!
Learn to use Object Oriented Programming with classes!
Understand complex topics, like decorators.
Understand how to use both the Jupyter Notebook and create .py files
Get an understanding of how to create GUIs in the Jupyter Notebook system!
Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up!
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Learn to use Python professionally, learning both Python 2 and Python 3!
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Create games with Python, like Tic Tac Toe and Blackjack!
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Learn advanced Python features, like the collections module and how to work with timestamps!
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Learn to use Object Oriented Programming with classes!
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Understand complex topics, like decorators.
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Understand how to use both the Jupyter Notebook and create .py files
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                        <div class="row">
                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Get an understanding of how to create GUIs in the Jupyter Notebook system!
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

                          <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <!-- Icon Block -->
                            <div class="media text-body font-size-1 mb-3">
                              <i class="fas fa-check-circle text-success mt-1 mr-2"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up!
                            <!-- End Icon Block -->

Component #12

Lightning-fast development with pre-built solutions

Every team has a unique process for shipping software. Use an out-of-the-box workflow, or create one to match the way your team works.

Extensive API documentation

Customizable & open source

Continiously improved

Choose a workflow, or make your own with Blueberry Software

Image Description Image Description

The best software teams ship early and often.

Blueberry Software is built for every member of your software team to plan, track, and release great software.

Knowledge management

Development workflow

Continuous integration

Integrate with the tools and workflow you already use

Image Description Image Description
                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row align-items-lg-center">
                          <div class="col-lg-5 order-lg-2 mb-7 mb-lg-0">
                            <div class="mb-5">
                              <h2 class="mb-3">Lightning-fast development with pre-built solutions</h2>
                              <p>Every team has a unique process for shipping software. Use an out-of-the-box workflow, or create one to match the way your team works.</p>

                            <!-- Info -->
                            <div class="media pb-3">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-indigo icon-circle mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p class="text-dark mb-0">Extensive API documentation</p>
                            <div class="media py-3">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-indigo icon-circle mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p class="text-dark mb-0">Customizable & open source</p>
                            <div class="media pt-3">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-indigo icon-circle mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p class="text-dark mb-0">Continiously improved</p>
                            <!-- End Info -->

                          <div class="col-lg-7 order-lg-1">
                            <!-- Card Block -->
                            <div class="pr-lg-4">
                              <div class="card shadow-none bg-soft-primary text-indigo text-center w-lg-75 overflow-hidden pt-9 px-5 mx-lg-auto">
                                <div class="px-5 mb-5">
                                  <h3>Choose a workflow, or make your own with Blueberry Software</h3>

                                <!-- Device Mockup -->
                                <div class="device device-half-iphone-x w-85 mx-auto">
                                  <img class="device-half-iphone-x-frame" src="../../assets/svg/components/half-iphone-x.svg" alt="Image Description">
                                  <img class="device-half-iphone-x-screen" src="../../assets/img/407x472/img7.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                                <!-- End Device Mockup -->
                            <!-- End Card Block -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

                      <!-- Features Section -->
                      <div class="container space-2">
                        <div class="row align-items-lg-center">
                          <div class="col-lg-5 mb-7 mb-lg-0">
                            <div class="mb-5">
                              <h2 class="mb-3">The best software teams ship early and often.</h2>
                              <p>Blueberry Software is built for every member of your software team to plan, track, and release great software.</p>

                            <!-- Info -->
                            <div class="media pb-3">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-indigo icon-circle mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p class="text-dark mb-0">Knowledge management</p>
                            <div class="media py-3">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-indigo icon-circle mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p class="text-dark mb-0">Development workflow</p>
                            <div class="media pt-3">
                              <span class="icon icon-xs icon-soft-indigo icon-circle mr-3">
                                <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
                              <div class="media-body">
                                <p class="text-dark mb-0">Continuous integration</p>
                            <!-- End Info -->

                          <div class="col-lg-7">
                            <!-- Card Block -->
                            <div class="pl-lg-4">
                              <div class="card shadow-none bg-soft-info text-indigo text-center w-lg-75 overflow-hidden pt-9 px-5 mx-lg-auto">
                                <div class="px-5 mb-5">
                                  <h3>Integrate with the tools and workflow you already use</h3>

                                <!-- Device Mockup -->
                                <div class="device device-half-iphone-x w-85 mx-auto">
                                  <img class="device-half-iphone-x-frame" src="../../assets/svg/components/half-iphone-x.svg" alt="Image Description">
                                  <img class="device-half-iphone-x-screen" src="../../assets/img/407x472/img8.jpg" alt="Image Description">
                                <!-- End Device Mockup -->
                            <!-- End Card Block -->
                      <!-- End Features Section -->

Developed by Nasim Mahmud's team | Blueberry Framework · Powered by Nimusoft

© Blueberry. 2020 Nimusoft. All rights reserved.