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Component #1

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                          <h2 class="h1">Read our latest news</h2>
                          <p>We've helped some great companies brand, design and get to market.</p>
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                                <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Product</span>
                                <h5 class="mb-0">Better is when everything works together</h5>
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                                <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Business</span>
                                <h5 class="mb-0">What CFR really is about</h5>
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                                <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Business</span>
                                <h5 class="mb-0">Should Product Owners think like entrepreneurs?</h5>
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                                <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Facilitate</span>
                                <h5 class="mb-0">Announcing Blueberry Strategies: Ready-to-use rules</h5>
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Component #2

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                                    <a class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2" href="#">Product</a>
                                    <h4 class="mb-0"><a class="text-inherit" href="#">Better is when everything works together</a></h4>

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                                    <a class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2" href="#">Tech</a>
                                    <h4 class="mb-0"><a class="text-inherit" href="#">Should You Buy An Apple Pencil?</a></h4>

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                                    <a class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2" href="#">Product</a>
                                    <h4 class="mb-0"><a class="text-inherit" href="#">This Watch gym partnerships give you perks for working out</a></h4>

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                                    <a class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2" href="#">Tech</a>
                                    <h4 class="mb-0"><a class="text-inherit" href="#">Drone Company PrecisionHawk Names New CEO</a></h4>

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Component #3

Latest news

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                            <h2 class="h3 mb-0">Latest news</h2>
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                                <h3><a class="text-inherit" href="#">Better is when everything works together</a></h3>
                                <p>Learn how your Google devices can do more.</p>

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                                    July 15
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                                <span class="badge badge-primary py-2 px-3 mb-5">Featured</span>
                                <h3 class="h2"><a class="text-white" href="#">Announcing Blueberry Tutorials: Master Adobe Ai - Part II</a></h3>
                                <p>A new tutorial to make it easier to master Adobe Ai.</p>
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                                    July 15
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                                <h3><a class="text-inherit" href="#">Should You Buy An Apple Pencil?</a></h3>
                                <p>The Apple Pencil is an expensive device that comes with some interesting features, but not everyone needs them.</p>

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                                    July 15
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Component #4

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                                  <h3 class="text-white">This Watch gym partnerships give you perks for working out</h3>
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                                  <h3 class="text-white">Announcing Blueberry Strategies: Ready-to-use rules</h3>
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                                <a class="small text-white font-weight-bold text-cap mr-2" href="#">Creative,</a>
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                                  <h3 class="text-white">Drone Company PrecisionHawk Names New CEO</h3>
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Component #5

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                                      <span class="d-inline-block text-white font-weight-bold">Aaron Larsson</span>
                                      <small class="d-block text-white-70">Jan 09, 2020</small>

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                                  <h3 class="h2 text-white">Facebook is creating a news section in Watch to feature breaking news</h3>
                                  <p class="text-white-70 mb-0">Facebook launched the Watch platform in August</p>
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Component #6

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                                <a class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2" href="#">Business</a>

                                <h2 class="h3"><a class="text-inherit" href="#">Should Product Owners think like entrepreneurs?</a></h2>

                                <p>Blueberry is a financial technology company. We build products. We do it fast and we do it well.</p>

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                                    July 15
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Component #7


Award winning guides and resources

Explore and learn more about everything from machine learning and global payments to building marketplaces and scaling your team.

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                              <h2>Award winning guides and resources</h2>
                                <p>Explore and learn more about everything from machine learning and global payments to building marketplaces and scaling your team.</p>

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                                      <h4>Adobe Ai</h4>
                                      <p class="text-body">Access to the Adobe Illustrator techniques</p>
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                                      <h4>Canva Schedule</h4>
                                      <p class="text-body">Create and schedule amazing social content</p>
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Component #8

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                          <span class="d-block small font-weight-bold text-cap mb-2">Blueberry services</span>
                          <h2 class="text-lh-lg">Improve & boost your services with Blueberry that provides all kinds of services and will help your audience grow through all platforms.</h2>
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                                <h3 class="text-white">Have a meaningful impact</h3>
                                <p class="text-white-70">We are aggressive about giving opportunities to Blueberrys who have proven to be good at executing on them, regardless of where they are in their career.</p>
                                <span class="text-white font-weight-bold">Learn More <i class="fas fa-angle-right fa-sm ml-1"></i></span>
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                                <p class="text-body">Whether you're a startup or a global enterprise, learn how to integrate with Blueberry.</p>
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                                <h3>Explore the Snippets tools</h3>
                                <p class="text-body">Quickly Blueberry sample components, copy-paste codes.</p>
                                <span class="text-primary font-weight-bold">Learn More <i class="fas fa-angle-right fa-sm ml-1"></i></span>
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