A simple and HTML agnostic date countdown plugin with different countdown options.
jQuery Countdown documentationHow to use?
Copy-paste the following
near the
end of your pages under
JS Implementing Plugins to enable it.
<script src="../../assets/vendor/jquery.countdown.min.js"></script>
Copy-paste the following
near the
end of your pages under JS Blueberry to enable
<script src="../../assets/js/hs.countdown.js"></script>
Copy-paste the init function under
JS Plugins Init., before the closing
tag, to
enable it.
$(document).on('ready', function () {
// initialization of countdowns
$('.js-countdown').each(function () {
var countdown = $.HSCore.components.HSCountdown.init($(this));
Basic example
<div class="js-countdown"
"endDate": "2021/12/30"
<span class="js-cd-years h3"></span>
<span class="js-cd-months h3"></span>
<span class="js-cd-days h3"></span>
<span class="js-cd-hours h3"></span>
<span class="js-cd-minutes h3"></span>
<span class="js-cd-seconds h3"></span>
Target date
The target date that you are seeking to countdown. This argument can be one of the following:
- A native date object
- The milliseconds from Epoch time
String formatted as following:
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
By assigning a variable, you can call the standard methods of the plugin:
$(document).on('ready', function () {
// initialization of countdowns
$('.js-countdown').each(function () {
var countdown = $.HSCore.components.HSCountdown.init($(this));
countdown.on('update.countdown', function() {
By assigning a variable, you can call the standard methods of the plugin:
// Custom
"endDate": "2020/11/30",
"yearsFormat": "%Y",
"monthsFormat": "%M",
"daysFormat": "%D",
"hoursFormat": "%H",
"minutesFormat": "%M",
"secondsFormat": "%S",
"yearsElSelector": ".js-cd-years",
"monthsElSelector": ".js-cd-months",
"daysElSelector": ".js-cd-days",
"hoursElSelector": ".js-cd-hours",
"minutesElSelector": ".js-cd-minutes",
"secondsElSelector": ".js-cd-seconds",
"circles": false,
"fgColor": "#000000",
"bgColor": "#cccccc",
"additionalText": null,
"fontSize": 16
}' - array
Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For
data attributes, append the option name to
. For more detailed or missing attributes/functions, see the
jQuery Countdown documentation
documentation page.
Parameters | Description | Default value |
Date from which the time period will be calculated | null |
A required parameter that tells the plugin the date by which a countdown is required | null |
Display format for years | %Y |
Display format for months | %M |
Display format for days | %D |
Display format for hours | %H |
Display format for minutes | %M |
Display format for seconds | %S |
Selector, which is responsible for the output of the years in the initialized object | '.js-cd-years' |
Selector, which is responsible for displaying months in the initialized object |
Selector that is responsible for displaying days in the initialized object | '.js-cd-days' |
Selector that is responsible for displaying hours in the initialized object | '.js-cd-hours' |
Selector that is responsible for displaying minutes in the initialized object |
Selector that is responsible for displaying seconds in the initialized object |
If true ,
initializes the element with the circles plugin
false |
If circles is
true , sets the fill
color of SVG circles
'#000000' |
If circles is
true , sets the line
color of SVG circles
'#cccccc' |
If circles is
true , then adds a
postfix to the numerical value
null |
If circles is
true , then sets the
font size inside SVG circles
16 |
The radius of the circles | 80 |
Init value of the circle (optional, defaults to 0) | 0 |
Maximum value of the circle (optional, defaults to 100) | 100 |
The width of the ring (optional, has value 10, if not specified) | 10 |
Value in ms of animation's duration; defaults to 500; if 0 or null is passed, the animation will not run | 0 |